Help & Learning, your online information resource, is packed full of important information to review before you travel so you are as prepared for your experience as possible. But we get it, there is so much information, where should you start?
We suggest going section by section and reading all articles before your arrival in the U.S. Then keep this resource handy when you are on your program so you can refer to articles, as and when you need to.
Start off by reading the articles linked on the following topics first. They contain information on the most immediate things to think about and steps to take as you organize everything that needs to get done before you travel to the U.S.
- Your First Days
- Travel to the U.S.
- AFS Rules and Regulations
- Getting Support
- General Information about living in the U.S.
- Understanding Cultural Adjustment
- Health Considerations Before Departure
- Academic Transcripts
- Emergency Situations and Important Contact Information
Then we encourage you to review the four brief videos below that introduce you to some topics to consider and, we hope, will help to set some expectations about what life in the U.S., will be like for you.
AFS-USA Welcome Video - Travel Information
AFS-USA Welcome Video - Wellness & Safety