In the U.S. and Canada, the telephone number for police, fire, or ambulance emergency
services is 911. This line is available 24 hours a day. There may be a more specific number to
use for particular emergencies, like Poison Control. Ask your host family to provide you with
the important emergency contact numbers.
In the event of an emergency, accident, or serious illness that doesn’t require police, fire, or
ambulance emergency services:
1. Call your host family first. Let them know what happened and where you are.
2. If you can’t reach your host family, call your liaison.
3. If you can’t reach your liaison, call another local volunteer or AFS Support Coordinator.
4. If you are unable to reach your host family, liaison, or another AFS Volunteer, and you have an
emergency, call the AFS National Office at 1-800- AFS-INFO (800-237-4636 ext. 9). During office
hours, you will be connected to a Participant Support Specialist, otherwise, you will be connected
to the AFS Answering Service who will connect you to the Emergency Duty Officer. AFS Staff are
available 24 hours a day for emergencies only.