*For a downloadable and printable version of this questionnaire, please follow this link.
When your AFS host student first arrives in your home, you both will have many things to talk about and many questions to ask each other. The below list is intended to help establish accurate expectations between you as the host family and your host student. It is strongly recommended that you collectively complete this worksheet within the first week of arrival in the experience as a simple misunderstanding can fester into a larger concern if it goes unaddressed.
Please keep in mind that the student's English 'fluency' (i.e. speaking ability) may be different than their English 'proficiency' (i.e. grammar and vocabulary knowledge, reading ability). Host parents should speak clearly and slowly, repeat themselves if it's something important, and write down all answers.
Keep this questionnaire somewhere accessible to both you and your student, or provide your student with a copy for them to reference when they are unsure. It is recommended to revisit the Questionnaire as the year goes. You may find that some responses should be adjusted as you each learn how to effectively operate as a new family unit.
You may even find that you learn something about yourself and your family in completing this exercise. If some of these questions are difficult to answer, think about how confusing it may be for a new family member to appropriately navigate expectations in a new home.
Family and Relationships
1. What should I call you? (Mom/Dad, nicknames, first names etc.) _________________________________
2. How can I show appreciation and gratitude? How often should I show appreciation? (ex: say Thank‐you,
carry the groceries, help clean the house, hug, give gifts, help with meals, spend time together, etc.)
3. How much time am I expected to spend with the host family, together in the same area/room? (mark the
line and elaborate)
Very little Sometimes Often
(Just meals) (meals and after school) (meals, free time, weekends)
4. What are your expectations for family interactions? (ex: have conversations, watch TV/movies together,
play sports/do activities together, go to religious services together, go shopping together etc.)
5. How often do you usually communicate as a family? (ex: Throughout the day, mostly during meals, when
we are not busy, on the weekends, while watching TV etc.)
6. How does your family usually communicate? (ex: verbally, through texting, telling jokes, discussion on
current events, talking about school, non‐verbal such as hugging, debating, sarcasm, story‐telling etc.)
7. Does the family share certain activities in which I will also be expected to participate? (ex: sports games,
community events etc.) (Yes) or (No)
If yes: What? When? Where? How often? __________________________________________________
8. Does the family attend religious services? (Yes) or (No)
If yes: May I attend if I want? When? How often? What faith/denomination?______________________
9. For students who attend religious services different from the family, is it possible to attend them locally?
(Yes) or (No)
If yes: On what days? How is transportation handled?
10. Are there any other household rules or expectations that have not been covered? (ex: importance of
being on time, cleanliness, etc.)
Health and Safety
11. What should I do if I feel unwell? _________________________________________________________
12. Are there any medications you (the student) take regularly? (Yes) or (No)
If yes: What medication? For what medical condition? How often per day? How does the medication
need to be filled? _____________________________________________________________________
13. . Are there any specific areas in the community or certain activities that I should avoid? (Yes) or (No)
If yes: What locations? At what times/days? ________________________________________________
14. What should I do if I find myself somewhere unsafe or if I am lost?_______________________________
15. What home or community safety measures should I know about? (ex: Fire alarm, smoke detectors,
tornado warning, etc). _____________________________________________________________________
16. What are the telephone numbers of related emergency services? in USA, it’s 911_
17. If home alone, is there anything I should NOT do? (ex: answer the phone or answer the door)_________
18. Does the family have cameras, listening, or recording devises in their home such as security cameras,
baby or pet cameras, etc? (Yes) or (No)
If yes: Please note where they are located, and whether they capture audio and/or video. Please also
show me where they are. ______________________________________________________________
19. Does the host family own any firearms? (Yes) or (No)
If yes: Please note that if the host family has firearms in their home, it is CRITICAL that the host
parent(s) discuss firearm safety with the student and follow local and state laws for proper firearm
storage and safety precautions in their home. ______________________________________________
20. Is there anything I should know about the high school culture, school rules, peer relations, social
tensions? _______________________________________________________________________________
21. Are there any common weather events that I should be aware of (ex. earthquakes, tornados, floods,
fires, droughts, snowstorms, etc.)? (Yes) or (No)
If yes: What? In what season? How often do they usually occur?
22. Does the host family have an emergency preparedness plan? (Yes) or (No)
If yes: What is the emergency preparedness plan/emergency procedures for weather events? (ex: where is
an emergency kit located, where does the host family meet or go to for safety, what happens if the host
family gets separated, where does the host family go to find cover in the event of a
tornado/earthquake/fire/hurricane, what happens in cases of evacuation if the student is alone, what are
the important items that the student should take with them, etc.)
23. Are there any rules in the community or family home related to COVID‐19 prevention that should be
followed? _____________________________________________________________________________
Around the Home
24. What chores am I expected to do? How often? (ex: tidy my bedroom, make my bed, hang up clean
clothes feed the dog, etc.) __________________________________________________________________
Note: Host parents should be sure to demonstrate the correct way to complete each chore and visually
show what “clean” looks like to your family. Consider taking a picture of what it shuld look like as clean or
complete for the student to visually reference.
25. Are there any chores that I will share with my siblings? (ex: set/clear the table, wash dishes, take out the
garbage, vacuum, do laundry, put away groceries etc.) ___________________________________________
26. What appliances may I use around the house? (ex: stove/oven, microwave, computer, washing machine,
TV etc.) _________________________________________________________________________________
Note: Host parents should be sure to demonstrate the safe and correct way to operate these appliances.
28. May I personalize my room? (Yes) or (No)
If yes: What is allowed? (ex. moving the furniture, putting up pictures, etc.) What should I use to place
items on the walls/doors?_______________________________________________________________
29. Where should I study? (ex: in my room, in the living room, in the dining room etc.)
30. Are there any areas of the home in which I am NOT allowed? (ex: master bedroom, basement, attic, etc.)
(Yes) or (No)
If yes: Where?________________________________________________________________________
31. What does a Closed, Open, or Cracked bedroom door mean?(ex: accessible, open to interaction with
others, desire for privacy, would like to be alone to study, rest, knock before entering, do not disturb, etc.)
Closed:_________________ Open:_________________ Cracked:_________________
32. When I am in my room, should my door stay open or be closed (if not sleeping or getting dressed when
the door will be closed)?
33. How should I leave the bathroom after I am finished? (ex: shut toilet lid, put toilet seat down, leave door open, shut the door, turn lights off, leave door open slightly etc.) ___________________________________
34. May I take a bath OR shower? When (AM/PM) and for how long? _______________________________
35. Where should I put my towel, toothbrush, toilet paper, shampoo etc. after I use them?______________
36. For girls, how/where do I dispose of sanitary napkins and tampons?
37. Which personal toiletries are shared by the family? Which should I buy for myself?
38. At what time/s do family members wake up (weekdays/weekends)?
39. At what time should I wake up (weekdays/weekends)?
40. Will someone wake me up or is there an alarm clock I must set? What time?
41. At what time do you expect me to go to bed (weekdays/weekends)?
42. What are typical meal times (weekdays/weekends)?
43. May I eat food from the refrigerator/cupboard between meals? (Yes) or (No)
If yes: what food may I eat as a snack? Is there a limit?_________________________________
44. May I eat food outside of the kitchen? (Yes) or (No)
If yes: in which rooms? __________________________________________________________
45. What will I eat for school lunch?
(A) A packed lunch from home: Prepared by whom? What food? ______________________________
(B) Lunch from the school cafeteria (lunch money provided by host family) _______________________
46. What are the family rules about electronics and internet usage? (ex: phones must be given to parents at certain time, no use during meals, no Wi‐Fi after certain time, etc.) _________________________________
47. What are the family rules/expectations for social media use?___________________________________
48. Am I allowed to use my cell phone during/in school? _________________________________________
49. What should I know about internet safety, protecting my privacy and that of the family?
50. May I go out with classmates/friends at night during the week or on weekends? (Yes) or (No)
If yes: What time is the “curfew” (the time I should be home) on weekdays? On weekend?
51. May I invite classmates or friends to come over to the house? (Yes) or (No)
If yes: at what time/s and under what conditions? (ex: only same gender friends, only when siblings or
parents are home, how many people, only on weekdays, only until dinner time etc.)
52. What are the rules about spending time with friends/classmates who are the opposite gender? (ex: only with mixed groups, not allowed in the home, not alone together, can meet socially, can study together etc.)
53. How far is the school from home? _________________________________________________________
54. How will I get to and from school? (indicate A, B, or C)
A. Public transportation
Method (ex: train, bus):
Cost (provided by host family):
Stop/Station Location:
Time of Departure:
Time of Return:
Duration of Trip:
B. By Car
Name of Driver(s):
Time of Departure:
Time of Return:
Duration of Trip:
C. Other (ex: walking, biking, etc.)
Duration of Trip:
55. Who has a valid drivers license and will be able to drive the student to/from after‐school
56. Is there public transportation that I may use? (ex: bus, train, subway etc.) (Yes) or (No)
If yes: What mode of transportation? How often is it available? What are the restrictions?
57. How much advanced notice is needed to request rides to activities (ex: a few days, a week, a few hours)
58. What are the family expectations about providing transportation? ______________________________
59. What are the rules or restrictions for me to arrange for friends to give me a ride? (ex: only friends
approved first by parents, only friends with “Full Privilege” license, only friends over 17 or 18, only host
siblings etc.) _____________________________________________________________________________
Money Matters
60. How much money might I need for personal purchases? (ex: clothing entertainment, etc.)
61. What kind of expenses will I need to pay for myself?__________________________________________
62. Where is the nearest ATM or bank? _______________________________________________________
Note: Host families should NOT share bank accounts with students
Budget Tips for AFS Participants
Host families have volunteered to support their hosted participant throughout the year with food, housing and school transportation as a minimum. Expenses beyond that are optional and depend somewhat on the relationship that hosted participants and host families develop. It is generally helpful for host families to talk with their hosted participant to find out if the hosted participant receives a monthly or yearly allowance, as part of a larger discussion about budgeting. To help your hosted participant with budgeting their personal spending money, please discuss the potential optional items listed below, which might be available and of interest to them.
For those hosting FLEX and YES students: Host families will have access to a certain amount of incidental funds to help cover school and some program‐related expenses. Contact your local AFS Volunteers if you have questions regarding the funds available to cover these costs.
What is the cost? Is this available to AFSers? If available, who pays for it?
Costs to consider are:
- Elective courses fees
- School yearbook
- School Trips
- Prom expenses
- Graduation expenses
*Note: Not all host schools allow exchange students to participate in graduation.