*For a downloadable and printable version, please follow this link.
Establish a learning environment through openly discussing and sharing your culture(s) with each other.
All questions listed below should be answered by all participating host family members, participant(s)
and liaison (if present).
Depending on comfort levels, English language ability and preferred communication style; Answer
questions either verbally (speaking), or non-verbally (writing down, drawing/illustrating, using
photography etc.) and then share with the group once questions are answered. This exercise may take
some time and preparation so if any member participating is more comfortable with non-verbal
communication, please ensure you are allowing time, and preparation to accommodate so equity
amongst communication styles and language capabilities can be achieved.
Strive to allow the discussion to be open, non-judgmental and constructive. The intention is to learn
from each other and understand why and how certain behaviors/actions/responses may be culturally
influenced. Come into this conversation with the goal of always assuming good intentions and trusting
the perspectives being presented. Ask additional clarifying questions if you feel you’d like more
information on an answer provided.
1. What are my expectations for this experience?
2. How do I communicate/show that something is bothering me/concerning me in my culture?
3. How do I show respect in my culture?
4. How do I show appreciation in my culture?
5. How do I respond to something I do not understand?
6. How do I respond to times of conflict? How do I respond to times when I don't agree with
7. How is trust built in my culture?
8. What are some of the biggest cultural differences I see between my home culture and my host
Note: Conflict in many ways can be the catalyst for self-growth, learning, opening dialogue and
fostering empathy. This is a resource for everyone as you embark and partake in your intercultural
learning journey. Revisit this document from time to time and run through this exercise at different
points in the year to monitor your learning, cultural understanding, and growth.